Platelet- Rich Plasma Facts

In Greek mythology, Eros was the Greek god of sexual attraction

Like the entirety of our body, the penis, unfortunately, does not evade the powers of Father Time. And in addition to the natural aging process. what we do or don't do with our bodies greatly influences the progression of any decline in both vitality and appearance.

While Erectile Dysfunction is probably most commonly associated with the decline of male sexual health, what may get ignored is simply maintaining what you've always had, even if ED is not an issue. And that's probably because you just didn't know you can.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a groundbreaking and noninvasive therapy that utilizes and enhances the healing properties of your body's very own platelet cells, which contain hundreds of proteins called growth factors. Such rich concentrations of growth factors initiate and enhance physiological processes that contribute to tissue recovery and overall rejuvenation. And when injected into the penis, PRP can repair damaged tissue, increase blood flow, and ultimately strengthen your erection and enhance its appearance.

Your penis is a vast and complex network of tissue, blood vessels, and nerves, all of which must be maintained. There is absolute truth in that old saying, "Use it...or lose it." Without regular erections and proper blood-flow, your penis will atrophy, losing strength and often times size. In contrast, years of use can also cause damage that doesn't present itself until later in life.

And for both of these issues, the answer is Eros.

Eros Expectations

  • Increased blood flow and circulation

  • Improved sexual capabilities

  • Increase in sexual stamina

  • Increased sensation and pleasure

  • Enhanced appearance

  • Increase in girth (up to 1 inch) on avg.

  • Increase in length (up to .25 - 1 inch) on avg.

  • No allergic reactions

  • Minimal discomfort

  • No lumps

Ready to take the first step towards a better you? Book your appointment now to learn more about our cutting-edge treatments at Eros Health! Your journey starts today.


Low intensity Shockwave therapy (LiSW) Education


Erectile Dysfunction Fact Sheet